Thursday, October 17, 2013

Tampa Sun Protection

Top Ten Reasons to Buy Solar Screens
    Tampa Sun Protection
  1. Doesn't make you home darker, now you can leave your blinds open all day instead of closed like they are now, actually the net effect is more light into your home!
  2. Provides a third layer of insulation for double pane windows making them 15% more energy efficient in winter time.
  3. DOES NOT void the window warranty for the majority of window manufacturers.
  4. Can be taken off and removed in the winter to allow solar heat gain for passive heating of the home and cleaning of the window.
  5. Blocks on average 90% of the heat entering the home, that is not an "up to" number, that is the average with the sun at all angles, with a high angle in the southern sky the blockage is almost 100%!!
  6. Provides daytime privacy, blinds can be left open and nobody can see into your home.
  7. Stops 90% of the UV Rays from entering your home which can cause fading of valuable furnishings.
  8. Blocks 90% of the visible light heat which is responsible for 44% of the heat gain into a home.
  9. Exterior sun shading stops the heat before it enters the home like having a shade tree in front of every window in your home.
  10. Sun's energy is absorbed by the open weave design of the fabric and then dissipated through the holes in the mesh as air moves through it. 

ENERGY SAVINGS DISCOUNT 15% OFF When you qualify for the Progress Energy Rebate. Visit our website to learn more about Tampa Sun Protection.

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